Sullivan Goss is pleased to announce the THIRTEENTH annual 100 GRAND exhibition. Featuring 105 quality works of art for $1,000 or less, the exhibition has become an incubator of emerging talent, an entryway for beginning collectors, a holiday celebration in the art community, and an ever timely reminder that everyone’s life is improved by the addition of original works of art.
The exhibition works will go on sale MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29th at 9:00am. Those who subscribe to the Gallery’s e-bulletin service will get a reminder. Everything will go live on the website at the same time that the doors open. Those who wish to inspect the work in person will be let in on that Monday at 9:00am sharp. Crowd limits may apply. Works will be alphabetized by artist last name and spaced farther apart to facilitate social distancing. Masks are still mandatory in compliance with municipal guidelines. Last year, the gallery was astonished to see that almost 50% of the exhibition SOLD on the first day. Collectors and fans are encouraged to plan accordingly.
100 GRAND will feature paintings, drawings, photographs, assemblage and sculpture by emerging and established artists that are priced to sell and sized (for the most part) to fit into smaller spaces. For this year’s exhibition, Contemporary Curator Susan Bush was able to secure work from many of last year’s best-selling artists, but there are many new artists who have never before shown with Sullivan Goss. Those who are new to the 100 GRAND exhibition include: Hilary Brace, Nell Campbell, Amanda Colacchia, George David, Sonya Fairbanks-Harris, Harrison Gilman, Ann Hefferman, Max Hirschfield, Carolyn Hubbs, DJ Javier, Lizabeth Madal, James Petrucci, Sharon Schock, and Catherine Steininger.
Often, the gallery will use the 100 GRAND exhibition as a proving ground to see what new ideas, aesthetics, materials, or artists will find an audience. With 100 GRAND, new and younger collectors can begin to acquire and learn about original art from a serious gallery at an affordable price. With emerging artists, collectors get an opportunity to “get in on the ground floor.” For the gallery’s regular roster of successful, mid-career artists, collectors get an opportunity to buy works below market rate. For these reasons, sales are usually brisk. Since its first come first serve, buyers are encouraged to arrive early and to act fast.
Meredith Brooks Abbott, Whitney Brooks Abbott, Christina Altfeld, Scott Anderson, Tal Avitzur, Alyssa Beccue, Sophia Beccue, Susan Belloni, Ken Bortolazzo, Hilary Brace, Liz Brady, Lisabette Brinkman, Phoebe Brunner, Nell Campbell, Chris Chapman, Patricia Chidlaw, Kelly Clause, Amanda Colacchia, Connie Connally, George David, Tom DeWalt, David Diamant, Kris Doe, Kate Eden, Pamela Enticknap, Sonya Fairbanks, Pausha Foley, Jon Francis, Harrison Gilman, Kevin Gleason, Yumiko Glover, Robin Gowen, Colin Fraser Gray, Ruthy Green, Inga Guzyte, Bay Hallowell, Lynn Hanson, Holli Harmon, Ann Hefferman, Max Hirschfield, James Hodgson, Peter Horjus, Carolyn Hubbs, Nathan Huff, John Iwerks, Cynthia James, DJ Javier, Mary-Austin Klein, Onno Kok, Wosene Worke Kosrof, Marilee Krause, Julika Lackner, Pamela Larsson-Toscher, Jennifer LeMay, Dan Levin, Michael Long, Mark Lozano, Lizabeth Madal, Larry McAdams, Virginia McCracken, Susan McDonnell, Kerry Methner, Zoe Nathan, John Nava, Amber O’Neill, Barbara Parmet, Tom Pazderka, Angela Perko, James Petrucci, Gail Pine, Hank Pitcher, Maria Rendón, Chris Rupp, Linda Saccoccio, Blakeney Sanford, Sharon Schock, Paul Schurch, Lanny Sherwin, Leslie Lewis Sigler, Kerrie Smith, Libby Smith, Catherine Steininger, Nicole Strasburg, Marlene Struss, Bart Tarman, Andrew Thill, James David Thomas, Susan Tibbles, Dug Uyesaka, Sue Van Horsen, Sarah Vedder, Nina Warner, Monica Wiesblott, Joyce Wilson, Sara Woodburn, Sara Yerkes
3:51 | Susan Bush